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Someone Asked Me about Marriage....
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By James Pemberton
Other Poems by James Pemberton

Someone Asked Me About Marriage…


Someone asked me about marriage, as a matter of fact…

I thought; “what kind of questions is that?”


“Let me ask a questions…  If I may?”

“Do you read what the God’s word has to say?”


Marriage is still and will always be one woman and man.

I don’t care how many laws we have in our land!


No matter if many churches and people claim; “civil rights.”

Anything different than a man and woman is NOT right!”


The first chapter of Romans makes it pretty clear…

The days of wickedness have drawn ever near!


God’s wrath revealed against all ungodly living!

Think about the garbage our country is giving!


It speaks of men and women leaving their natural affection.

Burning in lust toward one another

 with an ungodly attention!


For this cause God has given many over to a reprobate mind…

And so many today are living with a “confused mind.”


Professing themselves to be wise, many have become “fools.”

By not obeying God’s word, but their own “set of rules.”


Marriage is something designed many years ago.

It was Adam and eve in the beginning…  This we know!


My question to you is: “Why not give God a chance?”

His truth remains the same.  Whatever the circumstance!


No court of law can change what God has established!

Everything that’s not of God is simply a lot of “rubbish.”


Jesus is coming back for a bride without “a wrinkle or a spot.”

It’s time we come clean and become

 “blood bought!”


Being the bride of Christ is the most important thing!

He is the bridegroom and eternal love he brings!


By Jim Pemberton   (c) 2012

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Submitted: Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Updated: Monday, May 21, 2012

About the Poet
I and my wife have 4 grown children and currently live in the Pacific Northwest. I've spent much of my life doing volunteer work in the food distribution for the needy among local churches. Many of the poems I've written are a reflection of times of adversity as a reminder of God's love and faithfulness. I've found many opportunities to share my poems with those who are hurting and discouraged. I'm thankful for the reports of many of the poems touching people's lives. I hope that the poems included on Wordchimes will touch and bless your life too!

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