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God Is Real and Alive Today!
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By James Pemberton
Other Poems by James Pemberton


God Is Real and Alive Today!


There are many with a daily persistence.

Of denying anything to do with God’s existence.


Even though all of God’s creation surrounds them…

They choose crazy questions to “amuse them.”


They tend to get too “logical” in what makes sense.

And often keep their life in a spiritual “suspense.”


Often they think that winning an argument is the key.

And don’t want to think about a God or eternity.


To many, believing there is a God creates a “problem.”

They just have too much in their life to involve him!


Having faith in an invisible being seems to bother them.

Often creating their groups and ask others to involve them.


God is very much real and is the one who created you.

Don’t let anyone in this world try to “fool “ you!


You were created with one purpose and goal.

This was to have fellowship with God in your soul!


There was an Adam and Even in the garden in Eden.

God promised to take care of and always be with them!


But through sin’s separation, mankind stumbled and fell.

God knew this would happen, and knew man very well!


He sent his son Jesus to provide a life that’s everlasting.

A life of commitment from you is what he’s asking.


Won’t you accept this God who wants to be with you?

He’s already done so much, because he loves you!


This can be your day! Please don’t reject him!

Simply give him your faith and accept him!


By Jim Pemberton   (c) 2015

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Submitted: Sunday, January 11, 2015

Last Updated: Sunday, January 11, 2015

About the Poet
I and my wife have 4 grown children and currently live in the Pacific Northwest. I've spent much of my life doing volunteer work in the food distribution for the needy among local churches. Many of the poems I've written are a reflection of times of adversity as a reminder of God's love and faithfulness. I've found many opportunities to share my poems with those who are hurting and discouraged. I'm thankful for the reports of many of the poems touching people's lives. I hope that the poems included on Wordchimes will touch and bless your life too!

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