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Thank you for your interest in adding a poem to WordChimes.com! The wizard below will guide you through the process.

Identify Yourself

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Poem Basics

Tell us about your poem.

Poem Body

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Is your poem inside an image that you're planning on uploading?

Note: To separate lines of your poem by single line spaces, hold the Shift key while pressing Enter. Pressing Enter by itself creates a double-line break (a new paragraph).

Photo / Image

Beautiful! If you have a photo or other image that you'd like to accompany your poem, or if you chose “Yes” on the previous screen, please complete the following two fields. Otherwise, just click “Skip This” below.

Hint: If you want the image displayed before or after the poem, or if the image is the poem, the image size should be 450 pixels square or smaller. If the image is to appear to the right or left of the poem, the suggested maximum width is 225 pixels.


Almost done! You've come all this way and now you have one more option. Would you like to add some music to play in the background when people read your poem?


Really great work! We've sent your poem on to our community leader for his approval before it appears on our site. We'll send you an email as soon as your poem is approved! Thanks for contributing!

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