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It's So Easy
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Michael P. Johnson
Other Poems by Michael P. Johnson


It's So Easy


I’ve heard the stories people say

What happens when we die

Tomorrow is another day

Perhaps then God I’ll try


You say that love is Heaven’s Gate

Christ’s death was God’ own plan

Then why can God be full of hate?

And so unkind to man


If half of what you say is true

That God is full of love

Why do you say that just a few?

Will dwell with Him above


How can The Lord be so unjust?

In tales I’ve heard you tell

Because His Son we fail to trust

He’ll send us off to hell


Can I not have God’s promised Guide?

Can I not Christ receive?

His Holy Ghost as Guest inside?

To help me now believe


How is it done how can it be?

What have I God to give?

How can these eyes be made to see?

So that I’ll always live


You mean I only need to pray

Believe in Jesus’ name

Believe that Christ’s The only Way

To cleanse my life of shame


It can’t be just like that my friend

As easy as you speak

If this is true, my knee I’ll bend

Please help me Christ to seek.....

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Submitted: Sunday, March 29, 2015

Last Updated: Sunday, March 29, 2015

About the Poet
I never wrote a word of poetry in my life. Till the day Jesus took my hand and touched my soul.....I invite your response. However most poems are not about me! Very few are. But the feed-back good, bad or indifferent is always desired. Not meant to offend, but I write about many things in many a guise. Of life, death, lost, found, saved, backsliders, new comers, repenting souls, doubting hearts, heathens, Christians, fire, water, Satan's daughter, wallowing in sin, saved, made sound walking in Light, graceful righteous. Suffering, ecstatic, bored, excited, sad, delighted, Sick, well, lame, able, living, dying, etc. etc. etc. Writing about anything, everything and everyone as the spirit leads. All meant to reveal, waken, revive, encourage, shame, help. Gladden, pick up, exalt, portrait, liberate. Again over 99% of my work is not about me. Although at times I write as though I were or am. Speaking e.g. in the first person. This is quite common even in the bible itself. Prophets speak of themselves, then God speaks, again the prophet, then God......Quite often it's difficult to distinguish whom it is that at any given time is speaking or narrating.

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