As Breezes Blow
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 3 times
By Louis Gander
Other Poems by Louis Gander
As Breezes Blow As breezes blow us out in drove, we utter, flutter through the grove. But smile among God's treasure trove! --- Lightning flashes plunder under clouds as thunder comes asunder! God's creation has me wonder...
The pounding showers seem to cower - devouring this fragile flower. God's creation, massive power!
And don't forget as sunsets hit - more storm clouds threaten as of yet. God's creation, sopping wet.
The darkness heightens, but thereafter sunlight brightens morning after - as God creates a child's laughter!
The bud, the rose, the bloom of it - then growth again, should He permit. God's creation - so exquisite!
And from it all, great waterfalls. Still I crawl. My stature stalls - as all of God's creation calls...
from two dead logs which laid across, together nailed to form a cross. Creation's gain brought Heaven's loss.
But garden rose of deep maroon with monarch's flutter from cocoon - sees virgin birth returning soon!
Oh, how all nature seems to shout, "We tell you what it's all about!" Creation lives - without a doubt!
Should I have known this all along? Now tell me, "Where do I belong?" Creation prays for Heaven's song!
And choreographed, they wave in wind - two willows whisper standing twinned. God's creation without end.
The nations' notions have accrued - turned up-side-down, this world skewed. Ever endeavor servitude.
Am I sincere and persevere or rather simple breezes fear - through year and year and year and year?
While every nation brings taxation - God through faith, brings grace, salvation! Praise Him! Sanctification!! --- As breezes blow us out in drove, we utter, flutter through the grove - but smile among God's treasure trove!
©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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Submitted: Thursday, June 27, 2013
Last Updated: Thursday, June 27, 2013
About the Poet
Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin in 1954. It's the poem's message that matters- not the poet.
Other Poems by Louis Gander
- A Beautiful Rose
- A Blind Man
- A Cardboard Christian?
- A Child's Prayer
- A Deaf Man
- A Dried and Fragile Flower
- A Great Big Heart
- A Leaf
- A Lonely Poem
- A Matter of Time
- A Moment to Smile
- A Perfect Masterpiece
- A Proud American!
- A Quiet Little Lamb
- A Rainbow Life
- A Snowflake
- A Trampled Rose
- A Very Good Person
- A Winning Poem 5-1-22
- A Wondrous World
- Abundant Life!
- Adrift!
- ALL Children
- Amanda
- America!
- An Attitude of Prayer
- An Obvious Need
- An Old Abandoned Cabin
- And Colors Each
- And That Is Why
- Apple Butter
- Apron Strings
- Are We There Yet?
- Are We There Yet?
- Arguing with 'Love'
- As Breezes Blow
- As Darkness Falls
- As God Whispers
- As I Wandered
- At Weakest Point
- Atop A Silly Post
- Ball of Fuzz
- Beautiful Faces?
- Beautiful?
- Bee 1 and Bee 2
- Beheaded!
- Beneath His Willow Tree
- Beneath That Old Cross
- Beyond My Weathered Window
- Blessings
- Blooming from Roots
- Born Again
- Bright Twilight Colors
- Buried Treasure
- But Grace
- But Should Have Been
- By the Bushel
- Cabin Of Logs
- Christmas - Haiku
- Christmas Eyes
- Christmas Haiku
- Christmas Program
- Christmas Snow
- Christmas, in Silence
- Circle of Love
- Coconuts
- Coexist?
- Come to Their Rescue
- Come with Me
- Commonality
- Creation's Clue
- Cuckoo Clock
- Dad's Guitar
- David and Goliath
- Dear Friends
- Diamond's Glitter
- Did I Forget?
- Dirty Socks
- Don't Read This
- Doug, the Bug
- Dusk to Dawn
- Dust to Dust
- E and M
- Each Minute
- Empathy
- Erasure Dust
- Eternal Life
- Evergreen Hope
- Everlasting Tears
- Every Great Decision
- Every Swaying Palm
- Everything Is Possible!
- Evil Man
- Faithful Footsteps
- Fast Jack & Tom (humor)
- Final Walk
- Find the Butterfly (song lyrics)
- Flat on My Face
- Flower Bud
- For He Deserves
- Forgive Me Please
- Forgiveness Undeserved
- From A Lowly Manger
- From Across the Lake
- From Humble Root
- From One Hundred Word
- From Where I Sit
- Get Real!
- Gifts
- Give Us Barabbas!
- Giving Is Joy
- God's Garden Blooms!
- God's Little Paradise
- God's Little Pond
- God's Sparrow
- God's Special Child
- Good and Faithful Friends
- Good Intentions
- Grandma
- Grandma's Place
- Grandpa's Wisdom
- Greater Blizzards Blow
- Hanging by a Thread
- Happy Hearts
- Harold & Steve
- Hay Ride
- He Showers Me
- He Too Was In-between
- Heaven Bound
- Heaven's Gates
- Helplessly Hopeless?
- Her Old Rocker
- His Eyes
- His Hands
- His Holy Name
- His Holy Name
- His Land
- His Miracles
- His Stepping Stones
- His Works
- Hopelessly Helpless
- How Beautiful!
- Hurricane Irma
- I Love America!
- I Miss You All
- I See Spring!
- I Wander Yonder
- I Want to Share
- I Wonder
- I'd Gladly Trade
- I'll Not Forget
- I'm Ready, You Bet!
- If I Haven't Died
- If I Was Jesus
- If Teardrop You Can't Be
- If You Can Interpret
- In Case You Just Forgot
- In Full Conceit
- In God I Trust
- In Her Rocker
- In His Sandals
- In Jesus' Name
- In Melodies
- In Our Uncertain World
- In the Sand
- In Your Heart
- Intentionally Left Blank
- Irises, The
- It Is True
- It's Beginning to Look a Lot like
- It's Irrefutable!
- It's So Unfair
- Jesus Blessed
- Joyful Tears
- Judgment Day
- Just Another Angel
- Kindness
- King Garland
- Kitchen War
- Knocks & Locks
- Know It All
- Laying Bricks
- Li'l Puff
- Life Was...
- Like Humble Cloud
- Live In Remembrance
- Log Cabin Christmas
- Lonely
- Love
- Love to Love
- Love's Tears
- Meet My Friend 'Love'
- Melody
- Memories
- Memory Wrinkles
- Mighty One, The
- Mom's Pumpkin Pie!
- Mommy & Me
- Morning Light
- Mosquitoes
- Mother
- Mr. Dirt
- Much More Courage
- Music Box, The
- My Beautiful Friend
- My Carving (WC poem)
- My Cheap & Paltry Skies
- My Dearest Friends
- My Faithful Friend
- My Grandma's Way
- My Horse
- My Little Boat
- My Old Country Church
- My Pastor
- My Prayer
- My Precious Time
- My Special Friend
- My Tears Numbered More
- Nativity Christmas
- Near, Yet Far
- New Life Begins
- No Cookies from Grandma
- Now That Is Peace
- Obeyed?
- Of Sweet Joy
- Oh To Be A Butterfly
- Oh, Tiny Bud
- On Winds of Chime
- On Winds Of Time
- One Final Tear
- Only One Journey
- Our Constitution Stands!
- Over the Crest
- Passed Quietly, the Waters By
- Pelicans to Parasols
- Penned with Love
- Persevere
- Pile of Leaves
- Pirates!
- Poet Friends
- Poet's Prayer
- Poetry
- POETS (please read)
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- Precious Memories
- Pretend
- Problems Bigger Than Mine?
- Proud To Follow
- Quentin S. Clingerman
- Quentin S. Clingerman (Obituary)
- Rainbow-colored Dreams
- Reach out in Love
- Redneck Love
- Reminiscing
- Rev. Billy Graham
- Rev. Billy Graham
- Rev. Billy Graham (#2)
- Right Back at You
- Rose-petal Mother (for Mother's Day
- Sailing On!
- Seasons
- Secret Admirer
- See Me Through
- Selflessly
- Selflessly
- September Harvest
- Seven Words
- Shepherd's Christmas
- Should Time Be Up
- Show the Lord (Easter Poem)
- Signs
- Simple Poem
- Slips Away
- So Far to Go
- Soft Crosses
- Solve this riddle.: 'The Terrorizer
- Something Tugged Me
- Sorry
- Souls
- Speed!
- Stars, Friends & Blessings
- Still Thirsty
- Taste God's Love Again
- Tears No Longer
- Tears Of Joy
- Tell Me Why
- Tell Me Why (2)
- Tell My Friends
- Thanksgiving, Then & Now
- That Distant Light
- That Old Deep Well
- That Special Boy
- The Answer to My Prayers
- The Brightest Light
- The Candle
- The Ceiling Fan
- The Christmas Child
- The Christmas Tree Story
- The Covered Bridge
- The Filthy Man
- The Fragile Fog
- The Good Samaritan
- The Great Man
- The Great Poet
- The Great Reward
- The Gun Fight!
- The Halo's Glow
- The Last Duckling
- The Lighthouse
- The Lion & God's Nature
- The Lost Lonely Poet
- The Master Poet
- The Mighty Ship
- The Morning Sky!
- The Old & Lonely Poet
- The Old Model T
- The Path Beyond Trees
- The Perfect Mom (in Heaven)
- The Pretty Purple Blossom
- The Que Clingerman Tag-along Chime
- The REAL Man
- The Sand Castle
- The Smallest Ornament
- The Sparrow
- The Straight and Narrow
- The Terrorizer
- The Tiny Kitten
- The Very Last Time
- These Humble Words
- These Two Short Words
- This Fragile Snowflake
- This Little Country Church
- This Mother's Day
- This Unknown Man
- This Wide World
- Those Nail Scars
- Through Eternal Years
- Through His Love
- To Gardens Yet Unknown
- To Praise Again...
- Treasure
- True Love
- Truth (2)
- Tulips and Roses
- Twenty Angels
- Twenty Third Psalm
- Twilight Colors Beckon Me
- Two Bananas & a Hot Dog
- Two Special Plaques
- Two Worlds
- Understand the Ties
- Understand?
- Unequaled Thrill
- Unfurl Our Flag Again
- Until God Says
- Vacation
- Valentine's Day
- Very Same Dreams
- Virgin Pure
- Visions
- Walkin' On Water
- Washed Away
- We Have a Choice
- Welcome Back Que (POEM)
- What A Story!
- What Is Art?
- What Is It?
- What the Little Do
- What Value?
- When Fighting Hate
- When under Knife (Tom, the Turkey)
- Where All Time Stands Still
- Where Am I?
- Where Are You God?
- Where Are You Lord?
- Who Am I?
- Why Angels Sing
- Winks and Smiles
- Wish the Fish 01 (mom's advice)
- Wish the Fish 02 (chores)
- Wish the Fish 03 (contentment)
- Wish the Fish 04 (respect)
- Wish the Fish 05 (courage)
- Wish the Fish 06 (patience)
- Wish the Fish 07 (dignity)
- Wish the Fish 08 (charity)
- Wish the Fish 09 (integrity)
- Wish the Fish 10 (compassion)
- Wish the Fish 11 (love)
- With His Remaining Breath
- With Wisp Of Wing
- Without A Fear
- Without A Single Fear
- Word Chimes
- Yellow Stained Page
- You Know Me Well
- Your Great Reward
- Your Love
- Your Spirit Lives
- Your Word
- Z (the letter)
- Zombies
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