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Reach out in Love
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times

By Louis Gander
Other Poems by Louis Gander

Reach Out In Love

Each lonely tear ran down a cheek

not caring of another.

And each absorbed in selfish woe

did not know of the other.


Oh, how can we be any good

just thinking of ourselves?

And how can we become like Christ,

if locked inside our shells?

Don't be afraid to break your shell.

Give sacrificially.

Reach out in love with both your arms

and live life faithfully.


Each lonely tear ran down a cheek

not caring of another.

And each absorbed in selfish woe

did not know of the other.


©2014 louis gander

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Submitted: Sunday, October 12, 2014

Last Updated: Monday, October 13, 2014

About the Poet
Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin in 1954. It's the poem's message that matters- not the poet.

Other Poems by Louis Gander

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