Twenty Angels
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times
By Louis Gander
Other Poems by Louis Gander
Twenty Angels
Pure evil smashed through fragile doors
©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |
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Submitted: Sunday, December 16, 2012
Last Updated: Sunday, December 16, 2012
About the Poet
Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin in 1954. It's the poem's message that matters- not the poet.
Other Poems by Louis Gander
- A Beautiful Rose
- A Blind Man
- A Cardboard Christian?
- A Child's Prayer
- A Deaf Man
- A Dried and Fragile Flower
- A Great Big Heart
- A Leaf
- A Lonely Poem
- A Matter of Time
- A Moment to Smile
- A Perfect Masterpiece
- A Proud American!
- A Quiet Little Lamb
- A Rainbow Life
- A Snowflake
- A Trampled Rose
- A Very Good Person
- A Winning Poem 5-1-22
- A Wondrous World
- Abundant Life!
- Adrift!
- ALL Children
- Amanda
- America!
- An Attitude of Prayer
- An Obvious Need
- An Old Abandoned Cabin
- And Colors Each
- And That Is Why
- Apple Butter
- Apron Strings
- Are We There Yet?
- Are We There Yet?
- Arguing with 'Love'
- As Breezes Blow
- As Darkness Falls
- As God Whispers
- As I Wandered
- At Weakest Point
- Atop A Silly Post
- Ball of Fuzz
- Beautiful Faces?
- Beautiful?
- Bee 1 and Bee 2
- Beheaded!
- Beneath His Willow Tree
- Beneath That Old Cross
- Beyond My Weathered Window
- Blessings
- Blooming from Roots
- Born Again
- Bright Twilight Colors
- Buried Treasure
- But Grace
- But Should Have Been
- By the Bushel
- Cabin Of Logs
- Christmas - Haiku
- Christmas Eyes
- Christmas Haiku
- Christmas Program
- Christmas Snow
- Christmas, in Silence
- Circle of Love
- Coconuts
- Coexist?
- Come to Their Rescue
- Come with Me
- Commonality
- Creation's Clue
- Cuckoo Clock
- Dad's Guitar
- David and Goliath
- Dear Friends
- Diamond's Glitter
- Did I Forget?
- Dirty Socks
- Don't Read This
- Doug, the Bug
- Dusk to Dawn
- Dust to Dust
- E and M
- Each Minute
- Empathy
- Erasure Dust
- Eternal Life
- Evergreen Hope
- Everlasting Tears
- Every Great Decision
- Every Swaying Palm
- Everything Is Possible!
- Evil Man
- Faithful Footsteps
- Fast Jack & Tom (humor)
- Final Walk
- Find the Butterfly (song lyrics)
- Flat on My Face
- Flower Bud
- For He Deserves
- Forgive Me Please
- Forgiveness Undeserved
- From A Lowly Manger
- From Across the Lake
- From Humble Root
- From One Hundred Word
- From Where I Sit
- Get Real!
- Gifts
- Give Us Barabbas!
- Giving Is Joy
- God's Garden Blooms!
- God's Little Paradise
- God's Little Pond
- God's Sparrow
- God's Special Child
- Good and Faithful Friends
- Good Intentions
- Grandma
- Grandma's Place
- Grandpa's Wisdom
- Greater Blizzards Blow
- Hanging by a Thread
- Happy Hearts
- Harold & Steve
- Hay Ride
- He Showers Me
- He Too Was In-between
- Heaven Bound
- Heaven's Gates
- Helplessly Hopeless?
- Her Old Rocker
- His Eyes
- His Hands
- His Holy Name
- His Holy Name
- His Land
- His Miracles
- His Stepping Stones
- His Works
- Hopelessly Helpless
- How Beautiful!
- Hurricane Irma
- I Love America!
- I Miss You All
- I See Spring!
- I Wander Yonder
- I Want to Share
- I Wonder
- I'd Gladly Trade
- I'll Not Forget
- I'm Ready, You Bet!
- If I Haven't Died
- If I Was Jesus
- If Teardrop You Can't Be
- If You Can Interpret
- In Case You Just Forgot
- In Full Conceit
- In God I Trust
- In Her Rocker
- In His Sandals
- In Jesus' Name
- In Melodies
- In Our Uncertain World
- In the Sand
- In Your Heart
- Intentionally Left Blank
- Irises, The
- It Is True
- It's Beginning to Look a Lot like
- It's Irrefutable!
- It's So Unfair
- Jesus Blessed
- Joyful Tears
- Judgment Day
- Just Another Angel
- Kindness
- King Garland
- Kitchen War
- Knocks & Locks
- Know It All
- Laying Bricks
- Li'l Puff
- Life Was...
- Like Humble Cloud
- Live In Remembrance
- Log Cabin Christmas
- Lonely
- Love
- Love to Love
- Love's Tears
- Meet My Friend 'Love'
- Melody
- Memories
- Memory Wrinkles
- Mighty One, The
- Mom's Pumpkin Pie!
- Mommy & Me
- Morning Light
- Mosquitoes
- Mother
- Mr. Dirt
- Much More Courage
- Music Box, The
- My Beautiful Friend
- My Carving (WC poem)
- My Cheap & Paltry Skies
- My Dearest Friends
- My Faithful Friend
- My Grandma's Way
- My Horse
- My Little Boat
- My Old Country Church
- My Pastor
- My Prayer
- My Precious Time
- My Special Friend
- My Tears Numbered More
- Nativity Christmas
- Near, Yet Far
- New Life Begins
- No Cookies from Grandma
- Now That Is Peace
- Obeyed?
- Of Sweet Joy
- Oh To Be A Butterfly
- Oh, Tiny Bud
- On Winds of Chime
- On Winds Of Time
- One Final Tear
- Only One Journey
- Our Constitution Stands!
- Over the Crest
- Passed Quietly, the Waters By
- Pelicans to Parasols
- Penned with Love
- Persevere
- Pile of Leaves
- Pirates!
- Poet Friends
- Poet's Prayer
- Poetry
- POETS (please read)
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- Precious Memories
- Pretend
- Problems Bigger Than Mine?
- Proud To Follow
- Quentin S. Clingerman
- Quentin S. Clingerman (Obituary)
- Rainbow-colored Dreams
- Reach out in Love
- Redneck Love
- Reminiscing
- Rev. Billy Graham
- Rev. Billy Graham
- Rev. Billy Graham (#2)
- Right Back at You
- Rose-petal Mother (for Mother's Day
- Sailing On!
- Seasons
- Secret Admirer
- See Me Through
- Selflessly
- Selflessly
- September Harvest
- Seven Words
- Shepherd's Christmas
- Should Time Be Up
- Show the Lord (Easter Poem)
- Signs
- Simple Poem
- Slips Away
- So Far to Go
- Soft Crosses
- Solve this riddle.: 'The Terrorizer
- Something Tugged Me
- Sorry
- Souls
- Speed!
- Stars, Friends & Blessings
- Still Thirsty
- Taste God's Love Again
- Tears No Longer
- Tears Of Joy
- Tell Me Why
- Tell Me Why (2)
- Tell My Friends
- Thanksgiving, Then & Now
- That Distant Light
- That Old Deep Well
- That Special Boy
- The Answer to My Prayers
- The Brightest Light
- The Candle
- The Ceiling Fan
- The Christmas Child
- The Christmas Tree Story
- The Covered Bridge
- The Filthy Man
- The Fragile Fog
- The Good Samaritan
- The Great Man
- The Great Poet
- The Great Reward
- The Gun Fight!
- The Halo's Glow
- The Last Duckling
- The Lighthouse
- The Lion & God's Nature
- The Lost Lonely Poet
- The Master Poet
- The Mighty Ship
- The Morning Sky!
- The Old & Lonely Poet
- The Old Model T
- The Path Beyond Trees
- The Perfect Mom (in Heaven)
- The Pretty Purple Blossom
- The Que Clingerman Tag-along Chime
- The REAL Man
- The Sand Castle
- The Smallest Ornament
- The Sparrow
- The Straight and Narrow
- The Terrorizer
- The Tiny Kitten
- The Very Last Time
- These Humble Words
- These Two Short Words
- This Fragile Snowflake
- This Little Country Church
- This Mother's Day
- This Unknown Man
- This Wide World
- Those Nail Scars
- Through Eternal Years
- Through His Love
- To Gardens Yet Unknown
- To Praise Again...
- Treasure
- True Love
- Truth (2)
- Tulips and Roses
- Twenty Angels
- Twenty Third Psalm
- Twilight Colors Beckon Me
- Two Bananas & a Hot Dog
- Two Special Plaques
- Two Worlds
- Understand the Ties
- Understand?
- Unequaled Thrill
- Unfurl Our Flag Again
- Until God Says
- Vacation
- Valentine's Day
- Very Same Dreams
- Virgin Pure
- Visions
- Walkin' On Water
- Washed Away
- We Have a Choice
- Welcome Back Que (POEM)
- What A Story!
- What Is Art?
- What Is It?
- What the Little Do
- What Value?
- When Fighting Hate
- When under Knife (Tom, the Turkey)
- Where All Time Stands Still
- Where Am I?
- Where Are You God?
- Where Are You Lord?
- Who Am I?
- Why Angels Sing
- Winks and Smiles
- Wish the Fish 01 (mom's advice)
- Wish the Fish 02 (chores)
- Wish the Fish 03 (contentment)
- Wish the Fish 04 (respect)
- Wish the Fish 05 (courage)
- Wish the Fish 06 (patience)
- Wish the Fish 07 (dignity)
- Wish the Fish 08 (charity)
- Wish the Fish 09 (integrity)
- Wish the Fish 10 (compassion)
- Wish the Fish 11 (love)
- With His Remaining Breath
- With Wisp Of Wing
- Without A Fear
- Without A Single Fear
- Word Chimes
- Yellow Stained Page
- You Know Me Well
- Your Great Reward
- Your Love
- Your Spirit Lives
- Your Word
- Z (the letter)
- Zombies
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