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Love to Love
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Louis Gander
Other Poems by Louis Gander

Love To Love

It started out as others, when I got dressed today -
ate breakfast with my fam'ly, for that was just our way.
You dropped me off at school. Your love shone in your eyes.
We hugged and kissed each other. We said our last "Goodbye's".
As I stepped to the entrance, I turned around once more -
and waved to you one final time - then stepped on through the door.

I saw some other teachers. They do what teachers do.
They all had smiled, said "hi" to me - and I said "hi" back too.
I soon got to my classroom. Some other friends were there.
I chatted with my classmates some and then sat in my chair.
Obey the teachers, I was taught. I followed every rule -
but no one knew that this would be, our final day at school.

Life usually, will glide along - and all goes fairly well -
but those are times we soon forget how close we are to hell.
We soon forget that God is love and hates our every sin -
but selfish man gets what he wants as he is dead within.
Not even one short moment here, should ever pass us by -
where Jesus holds our inner thoughts and we don't question why.

Though God hates sin - do we as much? For what man wishes, weaves -
his 'wants' to be accepted - until himself deceives.
From smoking, drugs and alcohol or any selfish thing -
there's someone who will pay the price for what these habits bring.
Why is it there are people who will only love to hate.
I pray that others will be saved - before it is too late.

Oh, why do we love other 'gods' including 'killing games'?
Why do we swear, show disrespect, call God [our Father] names?
Why don't we often worship - honor father, mother?
Why are we never faithful - steal, lie and murder?
Why are we very jealous, envious and covet?
Why not confess, repent? Oh, why will we not do it?

I heard that last announcement. Today, pure evil flowed.
Now I'm okay. I'm in HIS arms, because HE loves me so.
I know it's hard to hold back tears from feeling deeply blue -
but I so love you mommy still - and Jesus says so too.
I'm so amazed to see this place you couldn't even dream of -
a place of immense beauty - where we all love to love.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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Submitted: Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2012

About the Poet
Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin in 1954. It's the poem's message that matters- not the poet.

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