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The Optimist
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Randy Rich
Other Poems by Randy Rich

The Optimist

What has inspired you lately…

Snow geese as they travel V shaped in flight

Oak leaves in October’s circle of light,

Couples in the park on a Sunday afternoon

Or meandering music from a distant tune,

Perhaps a run through harvested hay  

Or pumpkins lighting the goblins way,

Seabirds emerging from an orange dawn

A lost lighthouse, remembered conversations, 

What has inspired you lately…


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Submitted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last Updated: Tuesday, October 28, 2008

About the Poet
I am married and have two beautiful children. I am a Professional Christian Counselor and Director of services for children at a local community mental health center.

Other Poems by Randy Rich

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