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By Randy Rich
Other Poems by Randy Rich


Between Mullick Bazaar, and Beck Bagan,
along the abandoned railway terminal,
Raheem sleeps in gutters
listless, dark-eyed, shadowed
by the slow crawl of hunger;
maggots brush from his wounds
onto Bamboo Villa sidewalk.

Beside the Kali Temple in Kalighat
Mother Teresa folds her hands to pray,
she is soft-white and candlelight radiant
from the sparse house of the dying.
A blue trimmed sari drapes her body
and covers her bare feet:
the voice of rickshaws, mangy dogs,
horse-drawn surreys and abandoned children
seep from the narrow window.

She knows he is out there,
a flower with no earth,
she prays,
releasing a red bird to search
the gray landscape.

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Submitted: Sunday, October 24, 2004

Last Updated: Monday, October 25, 2004

About the Poet
I am married and have two beautiful children. I am a Professional Christian Counselor and Director of services for children at a local community mental health center.

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