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The Love of God
By Quentin Clingerman, Originator and Administrator of
An article I read yesterday concerning the view of Christians toward those of other faiths has compelled me to give what I consider the Biblical view of God's love and what He expects of those who have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord.
John 3:16 which perhaps millions know by heart (even non Christians) clearly tells us that God loves all men and women and children and young people from everywhere! That includes all races, nationalities, and creeds. The Bible also makes clear that God hates sins. Perhaps again most of us know the adage, "God hates the sin but loves the sinner." St. Paul wrote that God gave us His Son who died for us while we were yet sinners. God definitely loves all everywhere.
However, God will not force anyone to live with Him in Heaven for all Eternity. Anyone rejecting His love, who doesn't even believe He exists, is not going to be with Him. Scripture makes that clear as well. If one rejects Christ as the Son of God and Savior, he has no other way to Heaven. "There is no other name given among men by which they may be saved," declared St. Peter.
Those who have never heard of Christ, or were born before Christ, will be judged according to the light they have. "There is a Light that lights every man's way," the Bible states. Nevertheless, those who know Christ as Savior and Lord have the joy and peace that comes from having a right relationship with God. I am so thankful that I am included in that group. Not of myself, but by the grace of God. Christ is truly a wonderful Savior. He desires to be everyone's personal redeemer.
Confession of sin and repentance (turning from sin to God through Christ) and accepting Christ's atoning blood will free you from the bondage of sin and give you peace with God. It is that simple and profound.
Christian, remember we are to love all others as Christ loves us and all others. Be kind and understanding and patient with the nonbeliever, praying for his/her salvation, witnessing as God gives you opportunity.
In Jesus' name I send this message of love and hope. God bless you because He loves you. Because He loves you I love you too. Amen
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