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Today's Featured Poet is

Randy Rich

Birth Place
Tulsa, OK.

Age Category

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Licensed Professional Counselor

Play Guitar, Write Poetry, Coach Baseball

Awards or achievements
Obtained a Ph.D in Christian Counseling at Louisiana Baptist University. Masters, Bachelor and associates degree in psychology. I have been working in the counseling field for the past 20 years.

Marital status

Two Children ages 12 and 14

Volunteer work
Volunteer coaching Soccer, baseball, and softball.
Volunteer at my church for various projects including counseling individuals and couples.

Professional or Philanthropic associations (including religious affiliation)

Poetry writing experience
I began writing poetry in college where I won third place in the college writing competition in Oklahoma.

State or country in which the poet resides

About the Poet
I am married and have two beautiful children. I am a Professional Christian Counselor and Director of services for children at a local community mental health center.

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Chime Of The Day

October 17, 2024

Be Light
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 59 times

By Michael P. Johnson
Other Poems by Michael P. Johnson
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Be Light


Arise! God says your Light has dawned

Your lamp you need to trim

You’ve heard my Son, today be warned

Rise up and follow Him


Walk steadily with life in view

Along the narrow way

Though many walk away from you

Though friends and family stray


Through Jesus let your life be light

Shining on neighbour’s lives

Glowing on strangers in the night

Where Satan lives and thrives


Reveal to all, your Saviour’s love

Through whom all need to pray

Make known to them My Light above

Exposes foul decay


Decay that closes Heaven’s door

Widens the devil’s gate

Preparing thus his snares once more

With hell’s revolting bait


Reveal The Truth blind eyes to see

Reveal love’s guiding hand

Upon your face, on bended knee

Until they understand


Be light, be true, become as salt

Season my lambs with love

Be wise, be shrewd, reveal each fault

Barring The Way above


Be light my child where ere you go

Shining for all you’re worth

Gather your friend inform your foe

Enlighten fallen earth…..

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